Saturday, June 4, 2011

Dwarf Adventurer Work In Progress

This is the dwarf adventurer that Ian is almost finished with.  He will be holding a lantern in his left hand.  I went with a short sword because I felt like axe wielding dwarfs are a little cliche.... of course I will have some of those later too.


  1. Looks good. I'm also really looking forward to seeing those canis demons - do keep us updated. Any idea on when you're likely to make them available for sale? Prices?

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed for the end of the month. I need to call Sandy tonight and see how the Type III demons are coming along. I want to bring the price in at around $12.99 USD but I need to actually send them out to the mold maker before I can set a hard price. I really want to keep miniatures affordable and if I can get them cheaper I will do it.

  3. Seems an acceptable price to me. I look forward to seeing those, in addition to the orcs!

  4. Yes, that sounds reasonable from the descriptions (always greedy for more pictures, though!), and who doesn't need more pig-faced orcs?
